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Synchronize a local directory with a cloud content delivery bucket. Automatically creates, updates, and deletes entries within the bucket to match the files in the local directory.


ugs ccd entries sync <local-directory-path> [options]


  • <local-directory-path>: The local directory path to synchronize.


bucket-name-b, --bucket-nameThe ID of the target bucket.
exclude-f, --excludeExclude files and folders matching this pattern.
dry-run-d, --dry-runPrints the operations that would be performed without actually executing them.
retry-z, --retryNumber of times to retry syncing a file (default is 3).
timeout-t, --timeoutUpload timeout in seconds (default is no timeout).
delete-x, --deleteEntries that do not exist locally are deleted during sync.
badge-u, --badgeBadge to be assigned to the new release if create release flag is set.
label-l, --labelThe label to associate with the entries.
create-release-r, --create-releaseCreates a release containing the files that were synced.
include-entries-added-during-sync-i, --include-entries-added-during-syncIncluding entries added to the bucket during the ongoing synchronization process to ensure all new additions are captured in the release.
metadata-m, --metadataJSON metadata to associate with the release and entries.
notes-n, --release-notesThe notes associated with the release.
help-?, -h, --helpDisplay help and usage information.
quiet-q, --quietReduce logging to a minimum.
json-j, --jsonUse JSON as the output format.